Join the Skills Courses in 2025!

Participate in our leading S.T.E.P.-Academy courses and develop your skills to become the best you can be on the water!

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Academy Courses

Exclusive Skills Training

S.T.E.P. Resources

Top-quality training material

In the pipeline

Exciting upcoming launches!

S.T.E.P. is a small but passionate organisation dedicated to give you the best sail training and experience afloat possible. Choose to join one of our academy courses or learn at home from our S.T.E.P. resources. We believe that through high-end training and education, we will benefit from increased safety and enjoyment on the water!

Resources in the works!

S.T.E.P. resources in production

We are very excited to announce that the training material from S.T.E.P. is in production with an expected launch in 2025. Giving you high-quaility shore-based tuition in the comfort of your home, the resources contain professional videos, generously detailed illustrations, comprehensive explanations, essential procedures, detailed step-by-step plans, concise checklists, useful tips and tricks and simply: the best tools to enjoy a safe, efficient, knowledgeable and proficient sailing experience.

About us

Get to know us at S.T.E.P. Academy

Our passion is boating and time on the water, and to make that happen, we believe in making sailors knowledgeable, informed, competent and confident. We aspire to have a safe, educated and enjoyable time whilst doing what we love to do, whether for pleasure or profession. The core mentality is: "For sailors, by sailors", and our mission is to help people grow and develop their nautical skills. The sailor who started all of this has a few miles under his belt and has guided a few students in his time. S.T.E.P. is his way of moving the sailing world forward.

Connect through social media

Check us out on FaceBook!

Even though we are out on the water all the time, we post online as well to keep you updated on what's going on in our world. Follow us on facebook to get the latest information about our courses, availability to join, new resources and more exciting things!

Solid strategies during power handling

Advanced pilotage skills for safe passage!

PurCheSter in training!